
The 8th International Digital Exhibition Vision 2025 is organized by Photo Club Vision (Finnish name: Kameraseura Mielikuva ry) in Ylöjärvi, Finland.

Main library of Ylöjärvi

8 thoughts on “About”

  1. Good evening.
    Today, I have uploaded 8 images for 2 sections to participate in your
    3rd International Digital Exhibition Vision 2019.
    There seems to be some issues regarding payment through PayPal.
    I am unable to complete the payment just now.
    I need your correct email address for effecting the payment through PayPal.
    I am attaching the reason shown.
    Please help me.

    1. Your payment has been completed. The address should be right, so it’s unclear what the problem was. Maybe some temporary problem at Paypal.

  2. Good evening from India.
    Thanks for the Report Card of 4th Nordic International Digital Circuit 2020 by email.
    I have one small query.
    In Color Vision Series, one of my images “SIVARPANAM_5” scored 23.
    But you have not mentioned whether it got any acceptance or award.
    Please clarify.

    1. Good evening, Balachandder S K
      There are false scores in some report cards because of a server error. We are just about to publish a post about it.

  3. Hello , I entered my 4 photo’s for Colour 🙂 I hope there is no specific theme ? cause I was not sure , I did participate with This is Life already but I do Macrophotography.

    Kind regards from Belgium

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